So because this is our family Journal I will start with where we are in life.
I (Heather) am a lucky stay at home Mom. I can't say that I don't work, because I don't think that I have ever worked this hard before. Three kids are hard, rewarding, but o'so very very hard. We live in Hurricane, UT. Where I was born and raised. I love it here, and I think that it is growing on Jason (even if he won't admit it). I am a Miamaid advisor in our ward, and I love it. It is a great calling that makes me feel so old and young at the same time.
Jason works for the City of Hurricane, in the Water Department. He has been with them for a little over 2 years, and likes his job 75% of the time. He is also doing an addition onto the back of our house, so he is busy. When he isn't working on one of the two previous mentioned things he is watching the kids. On the rare occasion that he isn't doing any of that he is hunting, fishing, or playing basketball. Jason teaches the 17 and 18 year olds in Sunday School, and does a great job.
Craig is 4 1/2 years old. My goodness, who knew that a child could have this much energy? He is very inquisitive and always on the go!! He is going currently attending HeadStart, and he loves it.
AnnDee just turned 2 yesterday. She is our princess, and she acts like it. She thinks that she is the boss, but is so cute it is hard to tell her that she isn't. AnnDee is tiny, which is fun because her brothers are so big. Today she is sick, so instead of being a silly little girl who loves to tease everyone she is around, she is crying to be held, and sleeping on the couch.
Benjamin will be 7 months tomorrow. He is perfect. Not only is he the most handsome little boy ever, but he is just happy all of the time. That is unless he is hungry. He loves his siblings more than anything. He refuses to sit or hold his own bottle. He is just content to roll around on the floor chewing on anything he can get in his mouth.